Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mr. FD versus the Brush Off

Mr. FD strikes again.  It's been nearly two weeks since our second (and last) date, and I have been completely ignoring his phone calls and text messages.  Yeah, I know—not the nicest thing to do, but I figure this is the best way for me to give him the message that I am not interested.

Apparently not.  Today I get this.  Best. Voice-mail. Ever.

"Hey, I don't think it's just because you are busy and excited to start a whole new job and a whole new school year that you have any excuse not to go out with me...I want you to call me back!  I want you to ask me out! And I want to go have a lovely time together coming up soon!  Alright???  Gimme a call when you can.  Okay, bye."

No further comment needed.  And yes, I am totally for real.  I'm only sorry I'm not tech-savvy enough to upload the recording so you could get the full effect.

Forever fearless,
Dumbfounded Divorcée

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