Monday, August 9, 2010


Hello readers!  Welcome to "Divorced, Dating, and Dumbfounded."  I am a blogging virgin, so please bear with me as I get this thing rolling.

To start:  a little about me.  I am newly single, not yet 30, scarringly divorced, and apparently destined to have impressively unlucky and complicated (or wildly entertaining, depending on how you look at it) dating adventures.  When my friends pressured me to start blogging about my first-date experiences, I decided to follow their advice.  After all, they are probably smarter than me, considering they are all happily in love with very quality guys.  They have to be doing something right.

I chose the name of this blog because, this dating thing?  I have no idea what I am doing, considering it has been 7 years since I last went on a date.  It's not to say I have no dating experience.  It's just been a while.  When I was 23 years old, this handsome, confident, humble gentleman started pursuing me, finally asking me on a first date, and the rest was history.  We were madly in love after only a few months, engaged by the summer of 2005, and married by the spring of 2006.  We both loved college football, living in the South, laid-back restaurants, Seinfeld, and laughing with each other until tears ran down our faces.  I promise:  our marriage was no mistake, no bad decision.  We were once very happy and compatible.

Somehow, that all changed.  By the time January of 2010 rolled around, that handsome, confident, humble gentleman had changed into a man who obsesses over job success, wears only designer clothing, no longer wants to have kids, and cheats on his wife.  He asked for a divorce, and the future we had envisioned together went up in smoke.  Only it was his decision.  He expected it.  I didn't.

Therefore, my foray back into the dating world was completely unanticipated.  I considered myself finished with this strange universe called "being single" when I said my vows at the age of 25.  However, life is full of the unexpected.  It took me 8 months of post-divorce recovery, but here I am againdating.

Am I ready?  To be honest, I'm not sure you are ever ready to start dating again.  I'm not sure that a divorce, particularly one involving infidelity, is something you really ever fully recover from.  But since I have never done the dating-as-an-adult thing (and yes, slight motivation that my ex wasted no time on his part), I recently decided that I might as well jump right into the pool and be fearless.

So this is my blog:  my quest through the world of post-divorce dating with the goal of having every quintessential dating experience (hey, like they say, if you're gonna do it, might as well do it right).  Entertaining my readers will be the unintended icing on the cake.  Crazy, unlucky, and unpredictable is my lot in life, and, so far, my dating experiences have proven to be no different. 

I am hoping that, in addition to providing entertainment, this blog will also serve to determine 3 things for me:

  1. Is being single and dating not only fun but also preferable to married life? (my money is on 'yes')
  2. Is there actually someone out there who could truly love me faithfully and forever?  (my money is on 'no')
  3. Is true love and faithful commitment still in the cards for me?  Is it possible post-heartbreak? (jury's still out on this one)
So here goes nothing...enjoy! :-)

Forever fearless,
Dumbfounded Divorcée

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