Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Biggest Fault

I have the problem of being too nice, too forgiving, and too trusting.  I suppose if this is my biggest fault, I'm not that bad off, but sometimes it works against me.

Mr. FD (a.k.a. Mr. Kissy-face) has been calling.  Go figure.  I can't imagine why he didn't think the date went well, since I was too dumbstruck by his ninja-kissing moves to let him know I wasn't really interested.  I have been doing a pretty good job of putting him off so far, but now I'm thinking that maybe I should give him a second chance?  I can't decide.  My decision-making friends are split:  Chanel, who is sometimes a lot like me in the too-nice department, agrees that a second date is totally do-able.  Mamasita is ambivalent—she thinks the guy is a bit creepy, but who knows?  It was the second date that did it for her and her husband, so might be worth the shot.  Rowdy has completely forbidden it:  "Are you high?  Nothing good can come of this second-date nonsense.  Don't answer your phone—you are such a sucker, I don't trust you to keep saying no."  Additionally, I've got Rowdy's husband, Todd, who I can hear yelling in the background about how he is going to put his foot down against this idea and, as usual, playing the role of my overprotective big brother.

I decide to consult my dating-Yoda, also known as my sister, Rugrat.  She is younger than me and out finishing law school in the Midwest, so we don't get to see each other as much as I would like, but we do very well with our telephone and text message relationship.  She has been out in the dating world basically the entire time I was with my ex-husband, so while I have no experience in the past 7 years, she is full of it and offers it via text message as often as I need it:
DD:    So what do u think?  2nd date w/ Mr. FD?  Thots?
Rugrat:     U get 3 dates.  Thats the rule.  U r still getting to know him up - but at #4 if ur not interested, then u r just in it for the free meal.
I finally give in and agree to date #2 with Mr. FD.  If nothing else, should provide me with entertaining material for my next blog.

Forever fearless,
Dumbfounded Divorcée


  1. Thank you! I told you...give him one more date and then you will have a better idea. Big D and I are proud of you. :)

  2. At least you got another meal out of it! That Rugrat sure does sound smart! :)

  3. I totally agree with Rugrat - give them 3 dates. You're probably right that it won't go anywhere - but it's good practice and it's fun none the less. I also have the yo-yo rule. They get the first yo (mess-up) for free, I'll reel them back in, but after the second yo it's time to cut the cord. And remember - boys are dumb and don't pick up on hints. If you don't want to be kissed yet, just tell him. He may behave better next time. Love, your BFF
