My Friends

Rugrat ...  my youngest sister, a.k.a. the 'Yoda' of all things dating; though she lives 1,000+ miles away, single-living advice is only a phone call or text message away

Steve ... my other sister, only two years younger than me, and the one with the very stable, very loving relationship; her boyfriend Buck has been in her life for over 10 years, and they couldn't be happier

Rowdy ...  the life of the party; while crazy and fun-loving, the kind of friend who will drop everything she is doing to show up on your doorstep (usually with a six-pack of beer) when the earth drops out from under you

Chanel ... the fashionista, but so down to earth that you would never guess she earns her living from designer clothing and accessories; also my date-reviewer, as she is the first person I usually call post-date to laugh with

Mamasita ...  the voice of reason; amazing giver of all great and mature advice; also author of "Top Ten Reasons Dumbfounded Divorcée is a Rock Star," verbally published shortly after news of my ex-husband's extracurricular activities during our marriage

Stella ...  the rock-star comedian; nicknamed after her favorite beer, the friend who will always keep you laughing, is never afraid to laugh at herself, and will allow Dumbfounded Divorcée to drag her up on stage to dance with the band on any given night

Dolly ...  the Southern-belle; in addition to being a mental health guru and college professor, also moonlights as my divorce therapist, as she is the best listener and sympathizer I've ever met

Todd ... Rowdy's husband; also, plays the role of my overprotective big brother

Bear ... the nice guy; the sweetheart-type that every mom loves and is always ready to give me his unsolicited opinion and dating tips

Faith ... the blonde beauty; church-going, angelic, and sweet, the friend who cares so much that she always gives me her absolute honest opinion, even if it's not what I want to hear—and I love her for it

Zamboni ... the sassy tomboy; hockey fanatic with a quick wit and a quicker tongue, the friend who is always up for a good time and makes great judgments on character when I need her sound advice

Big D ...  Mamasita's husband; he's all sorts of special and loves to play the role of matchmaker, all while poking fun at my dating ventures

Great Dane ...  Dolly's husband; the kind of guy who always wins the husband-of-the-year award and makes us all insanely jealous